I have received a number of commissions to create one of kind works of art from either my original art or my patron’s personal photos. My work has been especially well-received by patrons looking to do something different with their wedding, honeymoon, vacation, or special occasion photos. My mixed media art is a combination of photography, digital painting, and acrylic painting. My workflow is simple and allows the patron to provide input to the creative process that gives them confidence that the final outcome will be a work of art that they will be proud to display.
The workflow: After an initial consultation you select and email me your photo or photos. About a week later, usually, less, I will email back to you the proposed design of your piece for your approval. See the samples below to see how tight the design study is to the finished works. If the design needs tweaking I make the changes and send the revised design. When you approve the design I make the finished piece and send you a picture of it. Then we arrange delivery.